acne scar treatment Bangkok

Reviews of Bangkok’s Top Acne Scar Treatment

Acne scars can be a persistent issue for many, often remaining long after the acne itself has cleared. Treating acne scars effectively requires specialized care, and Puttharaksa Aesthetic in Bangkok has become known for its comprehensive approach to acne scar treatment. This article reviews the experiences of individuals who have undergone acne scar treatments at Puttharaksa Aesthetic, highlighting the quality of service, effectiveness of treatments, and overall experience.

Professional Acne Scar Treatments

At Puttharaksa Aesthetic, acne scar treatment is one of the key services offered, and the feedback from customers often emphasizes the professionalism and care involved in the process. Several clients have shared their positive experiences with the clinic’s targeted scar treatments, ranging from manual extractions to more advanced procedures such as IPL therapy.

Justin Marco Liusnata praised the clinic for its effective acne scar treatment. He noted significant improvements in his skin condition, especially concerning acne scars, stating, “Good treatment with affordable price. My face improved a lot, also my acne scars got much better now.” Justin’s experience highlights not only the effectiveness of the treatment but also the affordability of the service, making it accessible for those looking to address long-standing skin issues without breaking the bank.

Similarly, Sandra Kwong underwent a combination of blackhead removal and IPL scar treatment, sharing her satisfaction with the results. She remarked, “A no-frills salon that specializes in treating blackheads and acne. I did a combo blackhead removal + IPL scar treatment which lasted around 1hr45min total and was very impressed. Professional team with great beauticians.” Sandra’s feedback indicates that the clinic’s IPL treatments for acne scars are thorough and performed with a high level of care, resulting in noticeable improvements.

Friendly and Detailed Care

One aspect that sets Puttharaksa Aesthetic apart from many other clinics is the personalized attention given to each client. Many individuals have noted the staff’s dedication to understanding their specific skin concerns and providing tailored solutions for treating acne scars.

sadon lhamo shared her experience, mentioning that the staff took time to understand her skin issues and even provided free products to help manage her acne scars. She said, “The staff at the counter was very helpful and took the time to help me out with my skin issues. They also gave me free products for my skin issues.” This personalized approach is essential when dealing with acne scars, as each person’s skin reacts differently to treatments, requiring careful assessment and tailored care.

Effective Combination Treatments

Many clients at Puttharaksa Aesthetic undergo combination treatments that target both active acne and acne scars simultaneously. These treatments are designed to accelerate the healing process and minimize the appearance of scars.

For example, Elizabeth Vogt opted for a combination of blackhead removal and acne care plus, which also addressed her concerns about acne scarring. She commented, “Wonderful experience, had blackhead service as well as acne care plus. Great attention to detail, exactly the service I was looking for, and friendly staff.” This combination treatment approach allowed her to not only clear her skin but also reduce the visibility of scars, demonstrating the effectiveness of Puttharaksa’s tailored treatment plans.

Affordable and Effective Scar Treatments

Affordability is another factor that makes Puttharaksa Aesthetic a popular choice for acne scar treatments. While the clinic does not offer a luxurious setting, it focuses on providing high-quality treatments at reasonable prices, which is particularly attractive to those seeking long-term acne scar care.

Avocado mentioned that the price for the acne treatment, which included scar reduction, was very reasonable, stating, “Price was very reasonable. Overall I am satisfied.” Despite some external noise from the neighboring gym, this reviewer appreciated the quality of care and the effectiveness of the treatment in reducing acne scars.

Focus on Results Over Ambiance

While many high-end clinics in Bangkok place a strong emphasis on luxurious surroundings, Puttharaksa Aesthetic focuses on delivering real results for clients. Several reviewers have emphasized the clinic’s no-frills environment, noting that while the setting may not be glamorous, the quality of the treatments more than makes up for it.

Almasxox spoke highly of the clinic’s focus on results over luxury, stating, “This isn’t a glamorous luxurious clinic, but they are more focused on the quality of the treatment compared to other skin clinics which are beautiful to sit in, but the treatments often lack efficacy.” For those dealing with acne scars, this focus on efficacy is particularly important, as it ensures that clients receive treatments that are designed to address their specific skin concerns, rather than simply providing a superficial experience.

Advanced Technology for Scar Treatment

Puttharaksa Aesthetic employs advanced technology to assist in acne scar reduction, including IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy, which is designed to minimize the appearance of scars and improve skin texture. IPL is particularly effective for treating acne scars because it targets pigmentation and promotes collagen production, helping to smooth the skin and reduce discoloration.

Clients like Sandra Kwong who underwent IPL scar treatment reported positive outcomes, praising the detailed care and thoroughness of the beauticians. Sandra’s experience underscores the clinic’s expertise in utilizing technology to enhance treatment results, especially for those struggling with visible acne scars.


Puttharaksa Aesthetic in Bangkok has earned a reputation for its effective and affordable acne scar treatments. The clinic’s focus on providing professional care, personalized treatment plans, and advanced scar-reduction technologies has made it a popular destination for individuals looking to improve their skin condition. Although the clinic may not offer a luxurious environment, its emphasis on quality, professionalism, and real results makes it an excellent choice for anyone seeking acne scar treatment in Bangkok.

For individuals dealing with persistent acne scars, Puttharaksa Aesthetic offers an accessible and effective solution, combining advanced techniques like IPL therapy with personalized attention to deliver noticeable improvements. Whether seeking a one-time treatment or ongoing care, this clinic remains a top choice for affordable and result-driven acne scar treatments in the city.